Unlock Jupyter Notebook Potential

4 min readApr 10, 2022

Have you used Jupyter Notebbok as a support for one of your presentations? If so, you should read this article which explains in a few lines how to improve the quality of your presentations with very little effort to get the waoow effect.

Briefly, the advantage of this tool is that it’s very easy to use and understand how it works.
Unfortunately, when we start we dont have time to unlock all the potential of Jupyter we want to learn quickly and only important things.

Here in this article I will present you how we use Jupyter Notebook after 5 years of experience to make understandable and customized presentation.

1. Add Customized Logo

First of all, we will start customizing our notebook by adding our Logo. We will replace the Jupyter logo by the logo of our company.

What will change in this section

To do that, we should find the static folder of our Jupyter Notebook. For Mac, usually the static folder can be found by navigating to : /Users/yourUserName/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notebook/static/custom. For windows, we think that you can find it C:\Users\yourUserName\anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notebook/static/custom

Be careful here:

  • If you use other python version than 3.8 like us you should adapt the…




Data scientist with 4 years experience. I worked in different field like Marketing digital, Consulting and currently I work for a start-up in finance.