When Use InfluxDB for Data Science

3 min readOct 11, 2022
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Working with time-series is basic thing in data science and most of the time as a Data Scientist or Data Analyst we don’t ask ourselves the question where this data is stored ?

In this article I will briefly explain how you can use InfluxDB (a time series database: TSDB) to leverage the potential of TSDB and the advantages of it.

A time series database (TSDB) is a database optimized for time-stamped or time series data. Time series data are simply measurements or events that are tracked, monitored, downsampled, and aggregated over time. This could be server metrics, application performance monitoring, network data, sensor data, events, clicks, trades in a market, and many other types of analytics data.


You are probably asking yourself why use TSDB (time series database) when classic databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL can handle this kind of data.

Yes you can use this kind of databases but if you want to store data that changes every 5 seconds from different sources that will generates more than 30 millions data points per year for each source. You can easily understand that it will generate a scalability and performance issues.

Contrary to what has just been said, TSDB is built and optimized specifically for this kind of need. It build to handle…




Data scientist with 4 years experience. I worked in different field like Marketing digital, Consulting and currently I work for a start-up in finance.